Sunday, June 10, 2012


This week we came to attend our granddaughter, Bananas' baptism.  That's her, right next to Grandma Cowley.  Unfortunately our camera got left in Grandma and Grandpa Noble's car and we weren't able to take pictures.  Then  we spent the week having son Jared and his four children over for daytime play dates and sleepovers.  The camera, unfortunately remained hidden in Noble's car and then when found, took a few days to get back to our hot little hands.
By the time we got it, we were down to our last play date and sleepover.  This day was with Jared and all four kids coming to spend the morning, then Jared and Superman going for a father son outing and we kept the three youngest.  Then in the evening, Mom, Angi, came to pick up The Hulk, leaving just the two girls for the sleepover.  You see them below with Grandma Cowley; L to R bananas, oranges and The Hulk earlier in the day.
Anyone else out there got a 5 year old????
We went for walks, played at the Russian River, had fancy breakfasts.....  here is a pancake and fruit ambrosia breakfast.....

....complete with snake pancakes....
....heart pancakes and several other shapes, that did not get documented.  I believe there was Minnie Mouse and Hippo and a few others.
We also played horseshoes and Bananas made her first ringer!!!!
Grandpa made one too!!!
There were makeshift art lessons using the used up paper towel roll, feeding bread crumbs to the blue jays, playing on the playground mandatory showers, looking at Family History photos, a movie (Tarzan) and several other sleepover type activities.
Then the next day required a departure time to take the girls back home.  Fun, but whew!
Jared (Dad) had to go to work Saturday afternoon shortly after we brought the girls back home, so we went with him.  In all the years he has worked for the Newspaper in town, we had never been to his office where he is the Sports Editor.  So, now everybody can see where Jared hides each night when he goes to work.  We were impressed.
So, sleepovers, daytime play dates and such has occupied this week.  Monday, June 11, we pick up Superman and Bananas for an older kids campout with Grandma and Grandpa.  We will spend a couple nights up in Snowflower Thousand Trails Preserve and then three nights at Lake of the Springs Thousand Trails Preserve.  Fun times!
Then after dropping them back off at home we will hopefully begin a slow and restful journey north to do it all over again with #4 son's two little ones up in Oregon.  We may take a few weeks to get there though.  Grandpa and Grandma will be in need of a rest by then I am sure.  But, happy we are, as this is part of what retirement is all about, eh?
See you all on the road!


Lake of the Springs Thousand Trails Preserve is where Wayne's parents purchased their membership in Thousand Trails back in 1976.  We inherited their Thousand Trails membership in 1984.  We and our boys have used this membership through the years as we were vacationing as a family and then since our retirement Ann and I have used it even more.  Of the 40 + preserves across the USA, lake of the Springs remains one of Ann's and Wayne's favorites.  Not only do we imagine Wayne's parents camping here years ago and falling in love with the idea of full time RV'ing so much that they bought a membership, but this preserve is a peaceful oasis in the quiet foothills above Marysville, CA.
It is here we rested a couple nights after the busy month of May in which we drove close to 4,000 miles and flew across the USA and back, visiting and supporting three of our sons and their families.  
This spot is two spaces over from the space we stayed in last time we were here.  We love this location, secluded with a view and good internet reception.  Here we parked while we caught up on bills, laundry and rest.  Peaceful!

QUICK TRIP NORTH 5/28-30/2012

After settling Kevin and Megan into their new digs, we left the next morning for a quick jaunt up to South Dakota.  We left our trailer behind at one of Megan's cousin's homes in Idaho Falls and off we went on Monday, May 28.
This trip was the culmination of a couple of years of seeing many of our fellow travelers be registered as residents in South Dakota.  After much discussion with many of them, we were convinced of the financial benefits of us too renouncing our long time Oregon residency (Wayne; 42 years and Ann; 38 years).  Then after a month of doing the paper work, making the arrangements, notifying those that need to know and setting up the necessary items to make it so, we took the advantage of being up north at Kevin and Megan's to make the 1,400 mile round trip drive up to South Dakota to take the final steps by getting our drivers licenses and register our cars.
We drove up hwy 20, across the continental divide (We figured that this was about our 15 or 16th crossing of this great backbone of  North America in the last 6 years.).
Due to the high elevations and the storm that had come through the few days before, we enjoyed a beautiful snow filled drive through the Yosemite National Park area.
The mountains, roads and forests reminded us so much of our trip to Alaska a few years back.
The tundra type bogs that the Gallatin River flowed north through also made us think of the rugged province of northern Brithish Columbia, Canada.  Beautiful!!
Gallatin River.
We then crossed over into Montana.
For a short time we continued to enjoy the forested portion of Southern Montana....
...and then we opened up into "Big Sky Country"!!
More beautiful country!  As we drove through Northern Idaho and Montana, we each exclaimed at different points, "This is so beautiful!  I would love to live in this beautiful wild country!"
Then for a short bit we crossed over into Wyoming.  Open range desert.  Home of some of Ann's cousins who operate a big ranch there.  Unfortunately, due to the rush of the trip, we were not able to stop and visit.  next time!
This state with fenced ranches so large that it feels like open range is also the home to many, many antelope, of which we delighted each time we saw so many of them during our drive.
Majestic and powerfully swift footed!
Finally after many hours of driving, we crossed into South Dakota!  We then drove on to Box Elder, where we checked into a motel for the night, got some Chinese take-Out and settled in to watch the History Channel for the evening.
Well, to make a long and struggle filled night of sleepless deliberation and prayer on Wayne's part a short story. And then an amazing event the next morning while attempting to push beyond the previous night's counsel.....Wayne decided to walk away from all the plans to become South Dakota residents.  Bottom dollar?  It was just not meant for Wayne And Ann to give up their Oregon residency and become South Dakotans.  Acknowledging Heavenly Father's counsel, though not knowing completely why, we got back in our truck, after spending one night in South Dakota and headed back.  Some day, I hope to find out the answer as to why.  But until then, it is sufficient to know that we were told and we obeyed.  it is wonderful to be married to a special wife that is so faithfully obedient too!!!!
Back past the Tetons and the beautiful trek of the day before, we both continued to marvel at the wonderment of such an amazing country in which we are blessed to live and have had through the last several years to travel and visit.   This country is amazing!!!
We saw a moose that made us miss the Yukon Territory.......
...and then were blessed to see her brand new wobbly legged calf!!!
Later on as evening approached we saw an elk cow out grazing and....... we sat still and looked further, we saw a huge bull standing at the meadow's edge.  Powerful! 
We stopped at Kevin and Megan's new home on the way to our trailer and Wayne asked Kevin for a blessing.  It is times like these that Wayne wishes he could call upon his father for a blessing of comfort, counsel and support.  But, as that is not possible, he has at times called upon one ore more of his sons to use the authority given them as worthy  holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood to lay their hands on his head and bless him.  It was what was needed.  It was releasing of stress and sustaining of love.  Good!!!
And thus we drew to a close of our adventure of moving our son and his family further north to begin his career as a 5th grade teacher in a small, rural community.....and the adventure of trying to move further north ourselves.  All experiences from which we can learn and all opportunities for growth and increase of faith.  Powerful Times!!!
We spent May 29th in our trailer in the driveway of Megan's cousin and then we hitched up and headed out towards our next son to visit and our next adventure on the road.  Out of Idaho through the templed hills of Twin Falls we headed south into Nevada, spending the night in Camp Wal-Mart of Winnemucca, NV.
The next day, May 31, Thursday, we drove to Lake of the Springs Thousand Trails Preserve near Oregon House, CA where we caught up on laundry and bill paying before heading to Russian River Thousand Trails Preserve near Cloverdale, CA on Saturday, June 2, to attend our granddaughter, Bananas', baptism and a week of grandkid sleepovers as well as attempting to get in a little visit time with our #2 son, Jared and his wife, Angi.  We also tried to sneak in a little R & R for ourselves.  Blessings galore!!!


By Tuesday, May 22, we had our trailer back from St. George, its refrigerator was working and we had it stored at Megan's cousin's house nearby on their ranch. We had hiked, gone to church and been fully engaged in packing Kevin and Megan's belongings and playing with Batman and Pineapple.
The next couple days were to be trying, busy and tiring.  As Kevin and Megan managed a set of student housing apartments for BYU and the assistant manager's was currently empty, Ann and Wayne were house in an empty apartment and slept on the floor on a spare mattress.  It was ideal.  We had our own space, but were nearby (actually next door).  Wayne was dealing with his first respiratory cold and infection in many years (generously shared with him by a loving granddaughter back on the east coat).  But with all kinds of medication, he worked through it, praying he did not pass it on to anyone, especially Ann.
Megan used her own packing technique and Ann and Wayne tried to help her and the kids.  Kevin was busy every day teaching his last week of school and trying to wrap things up there.
Pineapple, always smiles, learning to be mobile on her own and wanting to explore and taste the contents of every box that was packed kept these two old people busy.
Batman, a busy little man in his own right, was occasionally able to help, but succumbed to times in front of the TV.  Actually that worked out well sometimes!!  It was cute as he told everyone that would listen, "I move to I-dough-ho!"
Poor kids'  lives were in such turmoil.  It was stressful for all.
Pineapple relieved stress by eating plastic bags and crayons!
Batman ate anything that was left out in the open, like a chocolate cake!

"I happy Grandpa!!!"
Eventually everything was packed away in boxes and Pineapple (Who was not packed in a box, but neatly into her car seat.) resorted to self cannibalism, flavored with yummy toe-jam!!
Then came Thursday, after school, when Kevin came home with a moving huge van and Batman began giving instructions on the proper use of rope in the packing process.
"You see Dad, this rope holds the wall outside so we can put all our stuff on the inside and take it to I-dur-ho!"
"And you put all my stuff here and we go away!!"
"And up here is where Pineapple and me can ride!"
After receiving all the proper instruction, grandpa forced a family photo to be taken of the before with the plans to take one of the family after the van was loaded.
Several of Kevin's and Megan's friends showed up to help them put the stuff in the moving van.  Ann and Wayne were concerned about all the happy people there to help them load up their stuff to go away.  We assumed it was just because Mormons all just are happy to band together to help people out.  That was it wasn't it?  They just all seemed so happy to be helping our kids move away.  Hmmmmm?
This picture was taken by Batman as Grandpa surrendered his camera to him for a couple minutes to keep him busy (and out of the way).
Another Batman picture, as evidenced by the height from which it was taken.
Batman, time to give Grandpa his camera back.
Anyway, we got them all packed Thursday night.  Then Megan's dad flew in from Las Vegas to help on the drive up to Idaho.  Then the next morning, Kevin went for his last day of school (driving the moving van), Megan and her dad headed in separate rigs to Idaho, with the two little ones in tow.  Their job was to get up there and secure the apartment they were planning to rent.  Wayne and Ann went to get their trailer and then met Kevin at his school for his last hour of school.  After the class was dismissed, Kevin, Wayne and Ann packed up Kevin's school belongings and checked him out of school.  By this time, Kevin had gotten Wayne chest cold (full bore) and had not slept well the last couple nights.  When we were ready to leave his school for the last time and begin our drive up to Idaho, Wayne clicked this last photo of  Mr. Cowley #4 in front of his school where he taught his first year.  Looks beat doesn't he?
We departed, headed to Idaho.  Kevin leading out in the moving van and following behind in our truck and pulling our trailer.  We arrived to poring down rain in the last afternoon, found Megan, her Dad and the kids waiting for us and we immediately began unloading their packed moving van and carrying all their belongings to their new UPSTAIRS 3 bedroom apartment. Wayne and Kevin coughing their fool heads off.  A few guys showed up towards the last and helped with the last few heavy items.  other than that, Kevin, Megan, Ann, Von (Megan's dad), and Wayne unloaded it all.
No pictures of Kevin and Megan's place or the move. Just concentrating on the job.  maybe check out Megan's blog.
Saturday, we turned the truck in and started putting things away in their house.  Sunday was church and more of the same. Sunday night, Wayne and Ann moved our trailer to another of Megan's cousin's house where we spent the night.  Monday morning (May 28), we left our trailer there and headed to South Dakota in our truck.