Wednesday, December 29, 2010


 Seeing as how we were not going to be with any of our kids or grandkids on Christmas, Ann decided that she wanted to spend Christmas day in "The Happy Place".  So, Dec 24th we drove up to Buena Vista and checked into a motel. 
Christmas day we arrived at the park at 8:00 AM and spent the whole day there. 

 It was beautiful blue sky weather, though a little cool through most of the day.

 It was all "Ann's Day".  So she plotted the course and decided what we would do.
Then towards evening it began to rain.  We were glad we had our umbrella and rain coats!  It got really cold! 
 This is where  the fun ended for Wayne.  Space Mountain!  Wayne got so sick that he was miserable and unstable on his feet for the rest of the day.  But he endured and Ann still had fun!
 This is the parade that happened while Ann went to get something to eat.

 After a few hours, Wayne was able to do gentle rides.  The Jungle Cruise is such a standard here.  How many times have we all seen this scene?
 The Haunted Mansion was disappointing as it took on a "Nightmare Before Christmas Theme".  We like the old version better.
 Nausea or not, we still had fun.  Ann did her best to stabilize Wayne's drunken unsteadiness. 
 At 10:45 PM we left the park and drove soakenly back to the motel.  It was a glorious Christmas for Ann.  Wayne was happy that she was happy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys were able to go. Disney Land really is a lot of fun. Too much money! but a lot of fun. Sorry there were so many people on the day we suggested there would not be a lot of people. =) here's to forgiveness right?!
