Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This is my first attempt at the blog.
Here we are at our first day of Disney World!  We started out going to Disney Hollywood Studios.  I got a good picture of Wayne.
 The first thing we did was go to a short musical of Beauty and the Beast.  It was very well done, colorful and very enjoyable.

 Just a picture of me during the day.
 We also saw the musical "The Little Mermaid".  It also incorporated animation in it's show.  We enjoyed this one as well and even got a bit wet at the huge wave scenes.  That was much appreciated since it was a fairly warm, muggy day.  It got to 92 degrees.
 Next we went on the Back Stage Tour.  I thought of Jed as I was viewing this tour.  The man in the red is the director.
 The next 2 pictures are from the room where they store a lot of old props from Disney movies.  There were a lot of things in this room.

 They also have a section outside where they stored the bigger props.  We were excited to see Herbie!
 We thought this water tower had a Disney look to it. 
 Along this tour we passed by where they make a lot of the Disney costumes.  There were lots of workers, bolts of fabric and spools of thread. 
This was a different set on the same tour.  Here we saw explosions, fire and as you can see a flood.  Exciting!  During the explosion our train rocked and rolled.
 This was another of the bigger props they stored.  I think they got it from Roswell, New Mexico!
 In another section of the park there were fake streets and facades.  It was fun to see them.
 One thing I didn't expect was to see the American Idol Show in Disney World.  The show is for real.  Anyone can try out early in the day and then they select 3 people for each show.  The winners of each show go to the finale at the end of the night and the winner of the finale gets a golden ticket.  This golden ticket wins them the chance to go to the head of a line in auditions throughout the country and wins them special recognition over the normal person that is trying out for the American Idol Show.
 Here were the three judges of the show we went to.  They each had their different personalities and judging styles.  None of them were like Simon though.
 This was the girl that won the show that we attended.  She had quite a set of lungs on her for being only 15 years old.  No we didn't vote for her.  I almost did though.  It was a tough choice between her and a young man.
 We had fun seeing a live show of Indiana Jones with lots of bad guys, action scenes, fire, crashes and Indiana winning in the end!
 I decided that I had to come back to the finale for the American Idol Show.  Here are the 7 contestants of the night.  I don't have a picture of the judges for the night show.  Two of the judges were different from earlier and I would say that one rivaled Simon.  He wasn't too nice with his negative comments.
 Our girl won the night!  Like I said, she had an amazing voice.  I'll be curious to see if she makes it onto the next American Idol.
 Micky's hat is easy to see from a lot of the park.
 At the end of the night we went to the Fantasmic Show.  It was very spectacular.  Most of our pictures didn't come out very well from it though.  We did get these from the end of it.

 We took this picture because Wayne's Grandpa Cowley worked on the Pacific Electric Railway.
 All in all it was a good day and I had a lot of fun, not sure about Wayne.  Disneyland isn't his favorite thing to do.  It was nice of him to accommodate me though.  We both were worn out at the end of the day.


  1. It's not Cliff's cup of tea either...must be in their blood :) I, on the other hand, LOVE IT! :)

  2. Ann! That looks like so much fun! I wonder if ANY of the cowley boys like Disneyland! Kevin will go, but he prefers other things much more.

    I think we need to do a cowley girl get together and enjoy disneyland together =]

    Glad to see you are blogging too!
