Tuesday, May 10, 2011


After the axle experience we drove that afternoon and night to an area near Cape Canaveral called Titusville, FL.  We had been told back in the Glades that there was a place across the Titusville bridge that was next to the National Park where everyone parked to watch the Space Shuttle launches and you could park there for free.  We decided to find it and try it.  Here's the bridge to get to it.

And her's the place to park.  There was only one other rig in there because the launch date had been changed to later, so everyone had left.  But, the mosquitoes and No See'ums were there and very active!!  Ann got bit a lot and we were beginning to wonder if they were living in the trailer and came in to get her at night!!!  Poor girl is all bumpy.
We had a nest of Osprey across from us and their chick serenaded us all evening until dark!
We watched a beautiful sunset in the evening through the V of these two Palms.  The sun was huge and red.  It was amazing.  It wasn't until Saturday morning, May 7, that we realized we had not taken a picture of the sunset.  So, here it is w/o the sun!
Saturday morning, in spite of the bugs, Ann discovered that there were lots of sea shells near where we were parked.  While Wayne got the trailer ready for departure, Ann explored!
Some of her treasure!
Saturday morning we drove east towards  the road that would take us north to our campground.  Wayne missed the turn off and before we knew it, we were approaching the National Seashore of Cape Canaveral.  Armed with our National Park Pass, we went on to explore.
Inside the Park, we saw this sign, bringing back memories of the Alaska/Canada trip where we saw lots of these types of signs, but with bears, moose, bison, mountain sheep and caribou.
As we drove, we saw that we were getting closer to the Kennedy Launch Center where the Space Shuttle was on the pad awaiting some repairs before the launch.
Security was very evident with helicopters overhead and guard towers on land.
That's the place, off in the distance without a telephoto lens.
We got to the paring lot for the beach and saw a beautiful fore dune that signs said we were not allowed on because of the burrowing tortoises that live there.  We had to use the beautiful boardwalk.
We crossed and our breath was taken away by the beautiful view of a long, pristine beach and the Atlantic Ocean.  Soooo different from the southern tip of Florida in the Everglades.  Now this is more like it!!
Here is one of the protected critters on an afternoon grazing spree!
The beach to the south.
Us in the middle, standing in the surf of the Atlantic Ocean on the beach of Cape Canaveral!!!  This pose is just for you Mark Gosson!!!  We waded in the Atlantic Ocean in Florida!!!!
We were told by the man that took the previous picture that the walk south on the beach to the fence line that blocked you from getting closer to the launch pad was only a mile and the view from there was great.  So, we decided to take the walk.  Wayne, wandered along, wading in the surf, letting his mind wander.  Good thoughts that he later wrote down as a talk for someday in church.  After awhile, he realized that Ann was nowhere to be found.  He turned around and looked north and saw Ann way up beach slowly wandering along picking up sea shells for our grandchildren.  Ann decided to take a picture as he wondered what was taking so long!
Later, Wayne, armed with the camera, documented his slow moving wife being a grandmother!!!
As we were strolling along, Wayne sighted a rock rolling in the surf.  When he picked it up, he realized it was a coconut that had washed up with the surf from somewhere out at sea.  Armed with an imagination running rampant as to where it had come from, he took a picture of it next to his hat for size comparison and then stashed it up in the fore dune to retrieve on our return trip.  Oh the stories this nut could tell, if it were able!
Finally, the short mile that was probably two, was completed and we stood at the edge of danger.  One step further and Rambo would come crashing out of the guard shack, protecting the great American way and the space shuttle.  Oh, what excitement filled our adventure seeking hearts!  But, from the beach, we were so close that the fore dune blocked our view completely.
Well, almost completely???
Putting our lives in harms way, we approached the boardwalk ramp with the no trespassing sign on it.  Dabbling with fate, and with Ann standing on the beach telling him to come back, Wayne step by step walked up the ramp towards the all seeing guard tower and the much elevated and far superior view.  The all of a sudden two well armed and big army type guys came out of the tower and stared at Wayne.  Wayne froze, but stood solidly placed, waiting for their first move, prepared with 14 excuses as to why he should be allowed the break the presidential ban on Oregonians getting closer and a better view of the shuttle.  Suddenly, they started talking to someone on the other side of the dune and then walked inside their guard shack.  Emboldened, Wayne inched forward towards the awaiting magnificent view, expecting at any time, the rat-a-tat-tat of machine gun fire.  All of a sudden there appeared at the top, a ranger. A 4 foot 11, 200 pound, pistol toting ranger.  Legs spread in a security guard mimicing stance.  Hand firmly placed on her wide hips, looking down over her Highway patrol issued sun glasses.  The words smoothly rolled from her lips, slightly vibrating the almost mustached upper lip, "You wanna come on up here and get a better view?"
We got a much better view, she offered to take our pictures with our camera.
She then told us all about the last 50 years of the space program and those things that are still yet to come.  #0 minutes she talked and shared her knowledge, until Wayne finally remembered he had left the truck running, or had a dentist appointment, or heard his mother calling, or some kind of excuse that freed them from the grip of the law and the continuing stories of a ranger that needed to share her knowledge.
Walking away as quickly as we could, for fear that she may be following us, we did not dare turn around until some ways down the beach.  The guard shack was still there, but we were alone!  Later down the beach we found the coconut gone.  Someone or something else had claimed Wayne's treasure.  Wearily we trudged back to the truck and trailer and headed north.
North towards our next adventure and our place to stay for the night!

Daytona Beach and shoe shopping for Ann!
But first a stop at our good friend, Dawn Gosson's store.  She was not there, still back in Oregon.  But at least it bore her grandmotherly name.  How's that Dawn???!!!
The sign read Daytona Beach
And all of a sudden we were right next to the race track.  Jealous Mark Gosson.  So, twice in one day we were reminded of our friends, the Gossons.
More shoe shopping and then to our night's destination, Bulow Plantation Resort in Flagler Beach, Florida where we would spend Saturday night and Sunday night.  Went to church there and relaxed.

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