Sunday, July 31, 2011


This last week seems like an eternity has passed.  We have been so busy trying to help out with Kevin and Megan and the two kiddos.  Between the two of us, Wayne and Ann, Grandma is the most useful and works the hardest.  Wayne just tries to keep Batman entertained, takes out the garbage and tries to stay out of the way.  Wayne sleeps at the trailer, Ann on the couch at the kid's house.  Wayne gets the air conditioner replaced on the trailer, Ann bathes a baby, does diapers, fixes meals, does dishes, supports Megan, etc.  The lack of balance is noticed.
One day, Wayne took Batman to the park for a couple hours.

One day, the two grandpas, Kevin and Batman went out to the pool.

Grandpa McGhie teaches Batman about the" hose phone".
Megan, and the Grandma McGhie give Pineapple a bath.

Grandma Cowley holding Pineapple.

Then on Saturday, Wayne took Ann for a needed break and hiked up a canyon to relax and enjoy the scenery.
The view of Provo Lake almost made the lake look beautiful!  So, we plan to be here, helping out (Ann)and getting in the way (Wayne) through the near end of August.  Then we will head northwest to Idaho and Oregon.  Family History, Family and Temples are our plans for the future.

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