Thursday, February 17, 2011

ROSWELL, NM 2/15-16/11

 We spent two nights parked in the Roswell Wal-Mart RV Park, but our days were spent exploring the fascinating community.  Wayne has become fascinated with sewer covers and water meter covers lately.  They each have such interesting designs!

 This town, due to the supposed alien crash landing here in 1947 and the supposed government cover up, is strong on aliens.  As we walked the streets and talked to the locals, we were amazed at the strong belief in the event actually happening and the anger at the government for not allowing the truth to come out.  This town is definitely the headquarters for those that believe!

 We approached the stories with skepticism and decided to go to the research center and museum and learn.  We spent our entire first day inside this fascinating place, studying the displays, viewing films and researching in their vast library.

 Inside this huge converted theater, we were surprised at the organization and order of their presentations and research facilities.
 They did not just focus on the alien landing here in Roswell, but on all areas of potential visitations from other worlds and demensions.
Crop circles were especially interesting to Wayne as one of the pieces of info involved white balls of light as Ann and Wayne had experienced years ago while traveling on a remote dirt road near their home in Oregon.  This is the first time we have found an explanation as to what we experienced.  Hmmmm, interesting!

 Of course there were displays depicting events that eye witnesses told about involving the "Roswell Incident".
 The displays were eerie in their reality.
 Some were sets from movies and TV series depicting aliens.  This one was from "X-Files".
 This one was from a movie called "Roswell" with Charlie Sheen.

 The second day here, we spent outside, exploring the many Mexican shops and bakeries as well as the local decorations and tourist stuff.
 The only McDonalds  in the world with an alien theme to it! (Or so the sign says)

 The end result of the two day visit?    Well, we are not going to throw our lives into the study and belief of aliens, but.......  we are less skeptical than before........ "The truth is out there!!!!!!!!

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