Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Monday morning we all rose early to take advantage of an offer by Elder Kieffer to take the kids flying out over the coastline of Gold Beach.  Uncle Sean, Uncle Jared, Captain America and Grandpa met Elder Kieffer at the airport early to get things ready for the first flight!  First there were flying instructions.
Then the plane had to be pushed out of the hanger.
Careful now, don't hit the wings or let it take off by itself!
Captain America holds down the plane!
Here is our first crew, Uncle Jared, Uncle Sean (the back set drivers), Captain America (co-pilot) and Elder Kieffer (pilot extraordinaire).
Off they go!!!
Up, up in the air with Junior Birdman!
Meanwhile back on the ground, more future co-pilots and crew arrived and wait their turn.
While waiting the kids remembered how much fun they had climbing the stairs back at grandpa's house.  "No stairs here?  Let's climb Uncle Kevin!!!"
Meanwhile up in the air, Co-pilot Captain America calmly maneuvers the plane along the Oregon Coast.
While far below, Pineapple reassures Bananas that the skies are safe with cousin Captain America "at the stick".
Becoming a true Fly Boy!!!  Such confidence!!  Such panache!!  Such nerves of steel!!
How was the ride Captain America???
And the next crew begins its pre-flight check ins!!
The pilot instructs his next co-pilots (Batman and Doggie)  in the intricacies of flight.
And the navigator, The Hulk,listens carefully as he receives instructions from the flight tower about their secret mission over the beaches of Gold Beach!
And Away We Go!!!!  Uncle Kevin, Batman, The Hulk and Doggie!!!!   Wait.....Aunt Angi, please move away from the plane.....we have important work to do here!!!
Mission accomplished!  Next crew please!!  Co-Pilot Oranges, prepare for flight #3!!
Navigator Peaches, please quit posing for the photographers and put on your headgear!
Aunt Angi and Peaches do not seem to know the seriousness of flying a plane!  "Co-Pilot Oranges to rear seat navigator and Mom!  Please settle down!  I'm working here!!"
Hey, how was your flight????
Crew # 4.  Pilot Kieffer, co-pilot Apple, Navigator Mango and back seat management coordinator Dad (Uncle Luke).  The wind was beginning to kick up a notch or two, so this co-pilot was going to have her work cut out for her!  Was she up to the task?
Look a that smile on everyone's face!  Total calm and confidence in this crew!!!
Meanwhile back on ground at the airport, the next co-pilot and navigator patiently await their turn.  It is nice having older, more mature grand children that are willing to put off their turn to last so the more excited ones can go first.  Way to go Strawberry and Bananas!! 
And here they go!  The last flight of the day!!!  These older grand daughters were accompanied by our seasoned pilot and our youngest daughter-in-law and one person camera crew, Aunt Megan!
They look like they are ol' pros at this flying thing!! 
Well, our great big thanks goes out to our pilot for the morning, Elder Kieffer!  What a sport!  We all appreciate your donation of time and skills to add one more exciting memory to our Cowley Family reunion!!!
After the morning flights and a lunch, we decided to go to the beach down at Pilot Rock for an afternoon.  We gathered up all our sand toys and off we headed in our caravan!
First activity was skim boarding.
This activity entered our family back when Wayne was 8 years old in Fort Bragg, CA when he and his parents and little brother were camped at Pudding Creek.  Here is a site you can use to see what that area looks like now.  It looks the same except there were no houses and the walking bridge was an actual trail trestle that had trains going across every so often.
Our sons were raised skim boarding and now we pass it on to the next generation.  Wayne even went out for several rides today!  Still fun!!
Below is Luke and Jared.
Luke shows he still has it!
Jared can still walk the board!
Luke out in the deep water.
Jared teaching his wife, Angi.
The sand pit crew!
The tunnel!
Jed and his son, Green Hornet dig the beach!
Peaches practices her skim boarding stance.
Cowley construction site!
Grandma Cowley and her kids.
Kevin and Sean Cowley, our two youngest.
After a hard day flying and playing on the beach, one just has to take an otter pop break!  The best way to end a fine day!
So we reach the end of another Cowley Family Reunion Day!

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