....catching up on facebook or reading e-mails, reading books or whatever kids do on those little electronic things that Grandpa does not have.....
...playing with our beard or playing games.....
...and more playing games and visiting and just having a relaxing morning.
Then we said our goodbyes to our first, second and fourth sons and their families and then settled down to other important activities, like feeding Green Hornet.
He's a really good eater and when he finishes what his mom has for him........
.......goes looking for more ;-)
So, what you lookin' at Grandpa?????"
"You got a problem Grandpa?????""
"Grandma...I just couldn't help myself.....I, um, uhhhhh, Grandpa made me do it so he could take some pictures and say dumb things about me in his blog! Yeah, that was it......ummm, I think.
You'll protect me from Grandpa won't you big cousin Pineapple??
"Oh wait!!! Did somebody say it was wrestling time??"
"Grandma, I love you more than peaches and dirt clods and rubber bands and hair cuts!!!"
"And I love you Green Hornet more than my stuffed animals!!!"
Hey!!! What about me? I was your cutsie-wootsie wittle puppy dog till all these little kids showed up!!!"
Anyway, even though some of our family left, we found other ways to entertain ourselves!!
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